Fashion & Edito

services & location scouting

Services we offer

Anything you'll need for your shoot in Corsica: transport, accomodation, catering, props, assistants, gear or local staff.
We take it from here.

Location Scouting

White sand or rocky beaches, cloudy mountains, tacky bars, sailing boats, deserts, luxury villa...
We have it all !

Transport & Accomodation

Airport pickup, van transfer, 4WD or boat services: we drive it all !

Local staff

Executive producers, assistants, MUA, drivers:
we have them all !

Location Scounting
in Corsica

Born and raised on the island, we know every corner of it and stay at your disposition to find the perfect location(s) for your shoot in a Mediterranean atmosphere

About Pimento Productions

local production
for fashion shoots

Focus on production.

We do the scouting, we do the airport transfers, bring you to local restaurants, and we make sure you can focus on your edito or campaign.

Corsican Team

We speak English, French, Italian & Corsican.
We're from here, we live here, and it does matter when it comes to shoot on the island.

We worked with...

A few snaps from our previous shoots

What they say about Corsica

The perfect mix between South of France (Provence), Italy or the Baleares.

"Within 2 hours flight from any capital of Europe, Corsica has a lot to offer in terms of locations.
Within an hour drive, you can find landscapes that could pretend to be the Bahamas beaches, Mexican desert or a Canadian forest.
Not to mention an obivous, genuine Mediterranean atmosphere."


Whever you plan to shoot in Corsica or just wonder about the available locations, feel free to drop us a line !

Tel: +336 1192 3870

Pimento Prod.
2 Cours Pierangeli
20200 Bastia, Corsica

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